May 11, 2010

Kids say the darndest things/ freezer cooking

Today, I did a freezer cooking day at a friends house. She has a three year old and Stella and Wyatt like to play, which makes it easier for us both, since the kids are occupying each other. We wound up staying for dinner, homemade pizza. I called Stella in for dinner and she decided that she didn't want any. She told me so and then as she was walking away said "thanks for offering." You gotta be kidding me.

On to the freezer cooking: I brought home with me:

2 Buffalo Chicken Calzones
16 slices of french toast
24 pancakes (half whole wheat!)
5 Pizza pockets

I was pretty pleased by the amount of food I brought home. It should definitely help with breakfasts, and it's always nice to have a dinner or two in the freezer as well.

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