May 17, 2012

Visiting with family

One of my favorite things about our trip to Florida was that we got to see lots of Sid's family.  I know in recent posts I mentioned his brother, Adam, and of course his Mom (Grandma), and Diane (Nonna).  As well as his dad, Bruce.  We also got to see his grandfather on this trip (Papa Bud).

I love to see family, especially with my kids.  I love for them to know that they have a whole, big family that loves them.  There is so much security in that for them.  I know it breaks Sid's heart that we don't see his family more.

This was the first time we have seen Adam and Papa Bud in over two years.  It was really good to see them.  I loved watching Adam with the kids.  He loved them.  He really seemed to enjoy his role as Uncle Adam and let them get away with things!   

Fort Clinch State Park

One Monday while we were visiting Grandma we decided to go to the beach.  I love the beach.  Love. It. Anyway, Sid's brother Adam was home on leave and he came along with us.  It was quite the family affair.  We went to Fort Clinch State Park, which, Surprise, has a fort.  It's an unfinished Civil War era brick fort.  We decided to check out the fort before we hit the beach.  It's pretty neat.

This shows half the depth of the walls!

Adam teaching Sid something.
Then we went down to the beach. We had lunch, and walked up and down the shoreline in the surf, looking for cool shells and shark teeth.  My kids had a blast, and so did the adults.  

Bruce hitched a ride from daddy.

May 16, 2012

A trip to the zoo

While we were in Florida we went to the Jacksonville Zoo. We had a very good time. We saw some animals, went into the butterfly exhibit and got to touch some sting rays. That was Grandma's favorite part. They also have a large play area for the kids which was quite enjoyable. Stella's favorite part was the train ride. No surprise from my cranky girl. We *may*!have had the kids out a little too late the night before. We also ran into Sid's cousin Tory and her two adorable kids. We didn't spend much time with them, but it was good to see them. 

May 8, 2012

Taking Karate

Going to Karate is kind of a "given" when we visit Florida, where Sid's Mom lives.  My husband is a 2nd degree black belt in shotokan karate.  His dad's got his 4th degree.  We named our son for Sid's dad, his sensei.   So, one of the things we do here is Karate.  4 nights a week, Sid is there for 3 hours (give or take).  My kids love it, too! But we only spend an hour or so at the dojo.  Papa Bruce loves it when we're there.  He loves my husband, loves my kids.  He can't wait to get the chance to teach them some karate, and he puts a belt on them every time. 

This trip Stella loves to go and wear her belt, her karate "uniform" which consists of a pair of white pants and a tshirt or tank top, and when we get there... head gear for sparring.  But, she's not so interested in participating in class.  Bruce loves the sparring gear too.  And his belt.  He's a little too little to still participate, but he's watching.  He is loving to drop into a straddle leg stance and throw an excellent punch.  His dad's loving it! 

Last night we went a little early so Sid could help a friend go over a kata for a tournament.  I love to watch Sid when he's there.  He's in a whole different world.  

  Papa Bruce tying a belt on Buck
Papa Bruce tying a belt on Stella
Dustin, Sid, Bruce, Checking out a kata.
Sid, Dustin, Bruce, practicing the kata.
My kids in head gear
Sid and Bruce