Dec 27, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning this year I woke up at about 7 with Bruce.  At 7:30, after I had changed the blowout diaper, I went in to get Stella up!  She didn't know what day it was, and when I told her it was Christmas my sweet girl said "Christmas?!  I get to go to Aunt Ginny's and see my cousins!" It was adorable.  And I realized she had no idea what was waiting for her downstairs.  So I told her to go get her Daddy up, and I went downstairs with my camera.  She didn't even see the presents until after she had greeted Mom-Mom and Bruce.  Hence the picture taken from the side, but you get the idea!  She was surprised and excited.  These are some pictures of the morning. 

Mom-Mom and Bruce, waiting for everyone else to get up.

Stella's reaction to the presents under the tree.

Stella playing with her new baby doll. (No word yet on a name)

Bruce playing with his new toy from Grandma and Nonna.

Dec 24, 2010

Sailing to Grandmas

Last night Stella commandeered a box in the kitchen floor, climbed in and announced she was sailing to grandmas.  Naturally, I grabbed my camera and took some photos.  Oh, and she took Bruce with her.

I promise, she really was happy and having fun.  She just didn't want her picture taken.

Dec 23, 2010

Bruce's Blanket

This year, I decided to make Bruce a blanket for Christmas.  It's called a faux-chenille blanket and it was lots of fun to make.  It's very colorful, and I found the perfect little boy fabric!  I used the tutorial found here at made.

Dec 22, 2010

3-year old pronunciations

Some fun things that Stella has said recently.

Can we do my choc-wat candelar?   (chocolate calendar)

What are my options?

I was o-omenient and a-speck-ful.  (obedient and repectful)  This is probably my favorite.  We've been working on those two things recently.

I'm saiwing to grandmas.

Christmas presents

As I watched Stella get excited about Christmas this year I began to worry about her getting the gimme's.  So I  decided to nip it in the bud and we made presents for her to give.  I bought some little wooden stars (of David, accidentally).  We spent an afternoon ripping up tissue paper and gluing it on the stars.  Really fun and messy!  The accident of stars of David worked out well.  They looked like poinsettias when they were finished.  I stuck a peice of magnet to the backs and wrote the year on them.  We had fun, and she can't wait to hand them out!

Dec 21, 2010

Christmas Outfits

Well, Christmas is almost here. So since it was the week before Christmas, I got my kids all dressed up for church.  Too cute.  Stella fell in love with this dress in the store. She calls it her "lady bug dress." Thanks mom for the Kids Christmas clothes!  These are some hastily taken photos.  We should have left for church already, but I knew they wouldn't be up for it at all afterward.  And since we went to La Roca to visit our Spanish-speaking friends in the afternoon, I was correct.  Enjoy!